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TITLE Author
* 026 Scattering Theory Lax and Phillips
* 035 Algebra, An Intoduction to Homological Rotman, Joseph J.
* 060 Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems, etc... Hirsch and Smale
* 062 Differential Equations, Basic Linear Partial Treves, Francois
* 080 Differential Geometry, Lie Groups, etc.. Helgason, Sigurdur
* 113 Groups and Geometric Analysis Helgason, Sigurdur
* 120 Differentiable Manifolds and Riemannian Geometry Boothby, William M.
* 136 Ini.-Boundary Value Problems & Navier-Stokes Eq. Kreiss and Lorenz
* 137 Large Deviations Deuschel and Stroock
* 50 Poems Cummings
* A Bend in the River  Naipaul, V.S.
* A Brief History of Time Hawking, Stephen W.
* A Discourse on Inequality Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
* A Farewell to Arms Hemingway, Ernest
* A Midsummer Night's Dream Shakespeare, William
* A Sense of the Future Bronowski, J.
* A World Destroyed Sherwin, Martin J.
* Abstraction and Specification in Program Development Liskov and Guttag
* Adv. Math. Methods for Scientists and Eng. Bender and Orszag
* Against Nature Huysmans, J.K.
* Ain't No Makin' It MacLeod, Jay
* Alchemy of Finance Soros, George
* Algebra Artin, Michael
* Algebra II, Basic Jacobson, Nathan
* Algebra II, Basic Jacobson, Nathan
* Algebra, Abstract Elements of Clark, Allan
* Algebra, Abstract (A First Course) Fraleigh, John B.
* Algebra, Abstract and Solution by Radicals Maxfield, John E.
* Algebra, Applied and Functional Analysis Michel and Herget
* Algebra, College (Theory and Problems) Spiegel, Murray R.
* Algebraic Curves Fulton, William
* Algebraic Extensions of Fields McCarthy, Paul J.
* Algebraic Geometry (Principles of) Griffiths and Harris
* Algebraic Number Theory Stewart and Tall
* Algebraic Topology Greenberg and Harper
* Algebras, Lattices, Varieties - Volume I MKenzie, McNulty and Taylor
* Algorithms - Uses of Randomness in Algorithms and Protocols Kilian, Joe
* Algorithms, Fundamental Knuth, Donald E.
* Algorithms, Introduction to Cormen, Leiserson and Rivest
* American Foreign Policy Since World War II Spanier, John
* American Government Skidmore and Wanke
* American Spirit, The - Volume I Bailey and Kennedy
* American Spirit, The - Volume II Bailey and Kennedy
* America's Hottest Funds Fosback, Norman G.
* AMS 1 Partial Differential Equations John, Fritz
* AMS 25 Integral Transforms and their Applications Davies, B.
* AMS 38 Regular and Chaotic Dynamics Lichtenberg and Lieberman
* AMS 40 Linear Operator Theory Naynor and Sell
* AMS 42 Nonlinear Oscillations, Dynamical Systems Guckenheimer and Holmes
* AMS 70 Integral Manifolds and Inertial Manifolds Constantin, Foias, Nicolaenko, Temam
* AMS 73 Global Bifurcations and Chaos Wiggins, S.
* AMS 77 Probability Approx. via the Poisson Clumping Heuristic Aldous, D.
* AMS 79 Adaptive Markovw Control Processes Hernandes-Lerma, O.
* AMS 90 Intro to Hamiltonian Dynamical Systems and N-Body Problem Meyer and Hall
* Analysis on Manifolds Munkres, James R.
* Analysis, Abstract Light, W.A.
* Analysis, Elements of Functional Maddox, I.J.
* Analysis, Functional Riesz and SZ.-Nagy
* Analysis, Functional Rudin, Walter
* Analysis, Functional & Linear Operator Theory DeVito, Carl L.
* Analysis, Functional with Applications, Introductory Kreyszig, Erwin
* Analysis, Introduction Rosenlight, Maxwell
* Analysis, Introduction onto Bryant, Victor
* Analysis, Manifolds and Physics, Part I Choquet-Bruhat and DeWitt-Morette
* Analysis, Manifolds and Physics, Part II Choquet-Bruhat and DeWitt-Morette
* Analysis, Mathematical Apostol, Tom M.
* Analysis, Modern Ruckle, William H.
* Analysis, Modern (Foundations of) Friedman, Avner
* Analysis, Principles of Mathematical Rudin, Walter
* Anarchy, State and Utopia Nozick, Robert
* Anarchy, State and Utopia Nozick, Robert
* Ancient Egypt
* Anti-Semite and Jew Sartre, Jean-Paul
* Applied Electromagnetism Shen and Kong
* Applied Mathematics (Introduction to) Strang, Gilbert
* Applied Mathematics to Deterministic Problems Lin and Segel
* Applied Mathematics, Methods of Hildebrand, Francis B.
* Applied Mathematics, Problems in Klamkin, Murray - Editor
* Applied Mathematics, Problems in Lebedev, Skalskaya, Uflyand
* Applied Optimal Estimation Gelb, Arthur, Editor
* Applied Philosophy, Morals and Metaphysics in Contemporary Debate Almond and Hill, Editors
* Archaeology of Knowledge and Disclosure on Language Foucault, Michel
* Arithmetic - Foundations of Arithmetic Frege, Gottlob
* Array Grammars, Patterns and Recognizers Wang, P.S.P.
* ARRL Handbook (1988)
* Art at Work - Chase Manhattan Collection
* Art of Assemblage, The Seitz, William C.
* Asimov's New Guide to Science Asimov, Isaac
* Astronomy & Astrophysics, Introductory Seilik & Smith
* Automata Theory, Languages and Computation, Intro to Hopcroft and Ullman
* Barriers  Chomsky, Noam
* Basic Category Theory for Computer Scientists Pierce, Benjamin C.
* Basic Problems of Phenomenology Heidegger, Martin
* Being and Nothingness Sartre, Jean-Paul
* Being and Time Heidegger, Martin
* Being-in-the-World - Division I Dreyfus, Hubert L.
* Benabarre, Modernization of a Spanish Village Barrett, Richard A.
* Benjamin Franklin Franklin, Benjamin (L. L. Lemisch, Ed.)
* Between Man and Man Buber, Martin
* Billion Dollar Funds Fosback, Norman G.
* Biz Plan Builder
* Black Elk Speaks Neihardt, John G.
* Boundary and Eigenvalue Problems in Math. Physics Sagan, Hans
* Branching Processes, Theory of Harris, Theodore E.
* Brideshead Revisited Waugh, Evelyn
* Bureaucratic Phenomenon Crozier, Michel
* C - Data Structures and Program Design in C  Kruse, Leung, Tondo
* C - Photorealism and Ray Tracing in C Watkins, Coy and Finlay
* C - Teach Yourself C Schildt, Herbert
* C - The C Answer Book Tondo and Gimpel
* C - The Programming Language C Kernighan and Ritchie
* C - Visual C++ - Microsoft Programming Young, Michael J.
* C Language Algorithms for Digital Signal Processing Embree and Kimble
* C++ - Effective C++ Meyers, Scott
* C++ - the Complete Reference Schildt, Herbert
* C++ 4 - Borland Developer's Guide Barkakati, Nabajyoti
* C++ Primer Lippman, Stanley B.
* C++, Design and Evolution of Stroustrup, Bjarne
* C++, the answer book Hansen, Tony L.
* Calculus Greenspan, Benney and Turner
* Calculus - Generating Functionology Wilf, Herbert S.
* Calculus - Integral Equations Tricomi, F.G.
* Calculus - Integral, Measure & Derivative Shilov and Gurevich
* Calculus - Laplace Transforms (Theory and Problems) Spiegel, Murray R.
* Calculus - Multivariable Calculus (draft version) McCallum, Hughes-Hallett, Gleason
* Calculus - Pre-Calculus Problem Solver Fogiel, M. (Chief Editor)
* Calculus - Table of Integrals, Series and Products Gradshteyn and Ryzhik
* Calculus and Analytic Geometry Thomas, Jr. and Finney
* Calculus of Vector Functions Williamson, Crowell & Trotter
* Calculus on Manifolds Spivak, Michael
* Calculus with Analytic Geometry Larson and Hostetler
* Calculus, Volume I Apostol, Tom M.
* Calculus, Volume II Apostol, Tom M.
* Calculus, Advanced Kaplan, Wilfred
* Calculus, Advanced Widder, David V.
* Calculus, DIV, Grad, Curl Schey, H.M.
* Calculus, Quick Kleppner and Ramsey
* Candide Voltaire
* Capitalism and Freedom Friedman, Milton
* Catcher in the Rye, The Salinger, J.D.
* Celtic Art Allen, J. Romilly
* Celtic Art Bain, George
* Chagall Cogniat, Raymond
* Chaos - Hamiltonian Systems - Chaos & Quantization Ozorio De Almeida, Alfredo M.
* Chaos and Integrability in Nonlinear Dynamics Tabor, Michael
* Chaos in Classical & Quantum Mechanics Gutzwiller, Martin C.
* Chaos, Deterministic Schuster, Heinz Georg
* Chaos, Order Within Chaos Berge, Pomeau and Vidal
* Chaotic Dynamical Systems - An Introduction Devaney, Robert L.
* Chaotic Dynamics Baker and Gollub
* China Freer Gallery of Art
* Choices, Intro to Decision Theory Resnik, Michael D.
* Circuits, Signals and Systems Siebert, William McC.
* Classical and Quantum Physics, Mathematics of Byron, Jr. and Fuller
* Classical Greece- Great Ages of Man
* Claude Monet Kelder, Diane
* Closing of the American Mind Bloom, Allan
* Code, The Singh, Simon
* Columbia Encyclopedia, The (First Edition) Columbia University
* Columbia History of the World, The Garraty and Gay, Editors
* Combinatorial Geometries (preliminary ed.) Crapo and Rota
* Combinatorial Algorithms Hu, T.C.
* Combinatorial Group Theory Magnus, Karass, and Solitar
* Combinatorial Mathematics, First Course Anderson, Ian
* Combinatorics Cameron, Peter J.
* Combinatorics Van Lint & Wilson
* Combinatorics - An Invitation Straight, H. Joseph
* Combinatorics - Applied Comb. with Problem Solving Jackson/Thoro
* Combinatorics - Applied Combinatorics Tucker, Alan
* Combinatorics - Foundations of Applied Combinatorics Bender and Williamson
* Combinatorics of Finite Sets Anderson, Ian
* Combinatorics, An Introduction Wehrhahn, K.H.
* Combinatorics, Classic Papers In Gessel and Rota
* Combinatorics, Enumerative - volume I Stanley, Richard P.
* Combinatorics, Introduction to Slomson, Alan
* Combinatorics, Introductory Bogart, Kenneth P.
* Combinatorics, Introductory Brualdi, Richard A.
* Common Sense Paine, Thomas
* Communication Systems Carlson, Bruce A.
* Communist Manifesto, The Marx, Karl and Engels, Friedrich
* Comparative Economic Systems Bornstein, Morris
* Comparative Economic Systems Gregory, Stuart
* Compilers Aho, Sethi and Ullman
* Compilers - Structure and Interpr. of Comp. Programs Abelson and Sussman
* Complete Short Stories Hemingway, Ernest
* Complex Analysis Ahlfors, Lars V.
* Complex Analysis and Applications Derrick, William R.
* Complex Analysis with Applications Silverman, Richard A.
* Complex Analysis, Introductory Silverman, Richard A.
* Complex Analysis, Collection of Problems Volkovyskii, Lunts and Aramanovich
* Complex Analysis, Fundamentals of Saff and Snider
* Complex Analysis, Invitation to Boas, R. P.
* Complex Dynamics Carleson and Gamelin
* Complex Variables Fisher, Stephen D.
* Complex Variables Flanigan, Francis J.
* Complex Variables and Laplace Transform LePage, Wilbur R.
* Complex Variables, Applied Dettman, John W.
* Complexity, Entropy and the Physics of Information Zurek, Wojciech H.
* Computability Epstein and Carnielli
* Computability and Logic Boolos and Jeffrey
* Computation Structures Ward and Halstead, Jr.
* Computer Artist, Becoming a Little, Chad M.
* Computer Networks Tanenbaum, Andrew S.
* Computers and Intractability Garey and Johnson
* Concise Encyclopedia of Science and Technology
* Concrete Mathematics Graham, Knuth, Patashnik
* Confessions of a Mask Mishima, Yukio
* Conformal Mapping Nehari, Zeev
* Conformal Mapping on Riemann Surfaces Cohn, Harvey
* Constitutional Interpretation, An Introduction to Carter, Lief
* Construction and Combinatorial Problems Raghavarao, Damaraju
* Contemporary Business Law, Principles and Cases Hoeber, Reitzel, Lyden, Roberts, Sev.
* Control System Syntheses: Factorization Approach Vidyasagar, M.
* Corazon de Espana Centeno, Augusto
* Cosmic Rays and Particle Physics Gaisser, Thomas K.
* Cosmos Sagan, Carl
* Crisis of Democracy, The Crozier, Huntington, Watanuki
* Crisis of European Sciences and Transc. Phenomenology Husserl, Edmund
* Critique of Dialectical Reason Sartre, Jean-Paul
* Cry, the Beloved Country Paton, Alan
* Cryptanalysis, Differential, of the Data Encryption Standard Biham and Shamir
* Cryptography, Applied Schneier, Bruce
* Cultural Literacy, The Dictionary of
* Culture Builders Frykman and Lofgren
* Current Algebra and Anomalies Treiman, Jackiw, Zumino and Witten
* Curvature and Homology Goldberg, Samuel
* Curves and Sigularities Bruce and Giblin
* Curves and Surfaces, Mathematical Von Seggern, David H.
* Cyber-Space and The Law Cavazos and Morin
* Dali  Descharnes, Robert
* Darkness at Noon Koestler, Arthur
* Darwin - second edition
* Data Reduction and Error Analysis Bevington, Philip R.
* Data Structures and Their Algorithms Lewis and Denenberg
* Death in Venice and seven other stories Mann, Thomas
* Death of Ivan Ilych Tolstoy, leo
* Degrees of Unsolvability Lerman, Manuel
* Deindustrialization of America, The Bluestone & Harrison
* Democracy and Distrust Ely, John Hart
* Descrete-Time Signal Processing Oppenheim and Schafer
* Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion Hume, David
* Dictionary of Finance, A Butler and Isaacs, Editors
* Dictionary of Modern Economics Pearce, David W., Editor
* Die Traumdeuting - Gesammilte Werke Freud, Sigmund
* Differentiable Manifolds, Introduction Auslander and MacKenzie
* Differential Equations Redhefer, Ray
* Differential Equations Simmons, George F.
* Differential Equations Wylie, C. Ray
* Differential Equations - Modern Nonlinear Equations Saaty, Thomas L.
* Differential Equations (Elementary) Edwards, Jr. and Penney
* Differential Equations Problem Solver Fogiel, M. (Chief Editor)
* Differential Equations, Nonlinear & Dynamical Systems Verhulst, Ferdinand
* Differential Equations, Elementary Rabenstein, Albert L.
* Differential Equations, Elementary Applied Partial Haberman, Richard
* Differential Equations, Introduction Goldberg, Samuel
* Differential Equations, Introduction to Williamson, Richard, E.
* Differential Equations, Introduction to Partial Broman, Arne
* Differential Equations, Introduction to Partial Folland, Gerald B.
* Differential Equations, Ordinary Arnold, V.I.
* Differential Equations, Ordinary Arnold, Vladimir. I.
* Differential Equations, Ordinary Birkhoff and Rota
* Differential Equations, Ordinary Ince, E.L.
* Differential Equations, Ordinary (Second Course) Humi and Miller
* Differential Equations, Partial Kevorkian, J.
* Differential Equations, Partial Pinsky, Mark A.
* Differential Equations, Qualitative Theory of Nemytskii and Stepanov
* Differential Equations, Topics in Ordinary Lakin and Sanchez
* Differential Equations: A Modeling Approach Borrelli and Coleman
* Differential Forms and Connections Darling, R.W.R.
* Differential Forms with Appl. to the Physical Sciences Flanders, Harley
* Differential Geometry Guggenheimer, Heinrich W.
* Differential Geometry Kreyszig, Erwin
* Differential Geometry Prakash, Nirmala
* Differential Geometry Stoker, J.J.
* Differential Geometry - Tubes Gray, Alfred
* Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces Do Carmo, Manfredo P.
* Differential Geometry, Clas. Tessel./Three Manifolds Montesinos, Jose M.
* Differential Geometry, Foundations of Kobayashi and Nomizu
* Differential Geometry, Lectures on Classical Struik, Dirk J.
* Differential Manifolds Lang, Serge
* Digital Design, An Engineering Approach Fletcher, William I.
* Digital Signal Processing Oppenheim and Schafer
* Discipline and Punish Foucault, Michel
* Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics Grimaldi, Ralph P.
* Discrete Mathematics and its Applications Rosen, Kenneth H.
* Discrete Multivariate Analysis Bishop, Fienberg and Holland
* Dissemination Derrida, Jacques
* Distribution Theory and Transform Analysis Zemanian, A.H.
* Divine Comedy Dante
* Dream and Existence Faucault and Binswanger
* Dubliners Joyce, James
* Dynamic Systems, The Art of Modeling Morrison, Foster
* Ecce Homo  Nietzsche, Friedrich
* Economectric Models and Economic Forecasts Pindyck and Rubinfeld
* Econometrics with Applications, Introductory Ramanathan, Ramu
* Economic Report of the President
* Economics Dornbusch and Fischer
* Economics of Information Arrow, Kenneth J. (collected papers of)
* Economics of Natural Environments Krutilla and Fisher
* Electricity and Magnetism Purcell, Edward M.
* Electrodynamics and Classical Theory of Fields & Part. Barut, A.O.
* Electrodynamics of Continuous Media Landau, Lifshitz and Pitaevskii
* Electrodynamics, Classical Jackson, J.D.
* Electrodynamics, Introduction to Griffiths, David J.
* Electromagnatic Wave Propagation, Theory of Papas, Charles Herach
* Electromagnetic Field Theory Zahn, Markus
* Electromagnetic Fields and Energy Haus and Melcher
* Electromagnetic Fields and Waves Rojansky, Vladimir
* Electromagnetic Vibrations, Waves and Radiation Bekefi and Barrett
* Electromagnetic Wave Theory Kong, Jin Au
* Electronics Problem Solver Fogiel, M. (Chief Editor)
* Electronics, The Art of Horowitz and Hill
* Electronics, The Art of (manual) Horowitz and Hayes
* Electroweak Interactions Renton, Peter
* Elegant Universe, The Greene, Brian
* Elem. Math - 100 Great Problems of Elementary Math Doerrie, Heinrich
* Elementary Particle Physics, Modern Kane, Gordon
* Elementary Particles, Introduction To Griffiths, David J.
* Elements of Differentiable Dynamics & Bifurcation T. Ruelle, David
* Elements of the Theory of Computation Lewis and Papadimitriou
* Embodiments of Mind McCulloch, Warren S.
* Empirical Economics - Volume III Malinvaud, Edmond (essays in honor of)
* Encyclopedia of Archaeology Charles-Picard, Gilbert (Editor)
* Encyclopedia of Photography
* Engineering Materials I Ashhby and Jones
* Engineering Thermodynamics Cravalho & Smith, Jr.
* English Grammar and Composition Warriner, John E.
* English Philosophers from Bacon to Mill Burtt, Edwin A. - Editor
* English Romantic Writers Perkins, David, Editor
* Erewhon Butler, Samuel
* Error-Correcting Codes Peterson and Weldon, Jr.
* Escape from Freedom Fromm, Erich
* European Civilization, A Survey of Ferguson and Bruun
* European Philosophers from Descartes to Nietzsche Beardsly, Monroe C., Editor
* Existentialism MacQuarrie, John
* Existentialism and Human Emotions Sartre, Jean-Paul
* Existentialism, Essays in Sartre, Jean-Paul
* Experience and Judgment Husserl, Edmund
* Experimental College Physics White and Manning
* Fables of Aesop 
* Fear and Trembling Kierkegaard, Soren
* Federalist Papers, The Hamilton, Madison, Jay
* Feedback Control Systems Van de Vegte, John
* Feymann Diagrams in the Many-Body Problem, Guide to Mattuck, Richard D.
* Ficciones Borges, Jorge Luis
* Field Guide to N. American Rocks & Minerals Audubon Society
* Fields - The Classical Theory of Fields Landau and Lifshitz
* Finance Groppelli and Nikbakht
* Finite Difference Equations Levy and Lessman
* Finite Difference Schemes and Partial Diff. Equ. Strikwerda, John C.
* Fiscal Policies and the World Economy Frenkel and Razin
* Five Novels Firbank, Ronald
* Flow Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly
* Forecasting Economic Time Series Granger and Newbold
* Foreign Policy Process Bloomfield, Lincoln P.
* Formal Languages and Automata, An Introduction To Linz, Peter
* Foucault and Education Foucault, Michel (Ball, Stephen editor)
* Foucault Live Foucault, Michel
* Foundations for Financial Economics Huang and Litzenberger
* Fourier Analysis Koerner, T.W.
* Fourier Analysis and its Applications Folland, Gerald B.
* Fourier Series Tolstov, Georgi P.
* Fourier Series and Orthogonal Functions Davis, Harry F.
* Fourier Series, Transforms & Boundary Hanna and Rowland
* Fourier Transforms, Classical Chandraselkharan, K.
* Fractal Functions, Fractal Surfaces and Wavelets Massopust, Peter R.
* Fractal Geometry of Nature Mandelbrot, Benoit B.
* Fractals Everywhere Barnsley, Michael
* Fractals, Chaos and Fractals Devaney and Keen
* Frogs into Princes Bandler and Grinder
* From Hegel to Existentialism Solomon, Robert C.
* From Neuron to Brain Kuffler, Nicholls, Martin
* Functional Analysis I (revised and enlarged) Reed and Simon
* Functions - Complex Functions Jones and Singerman
* Functions - Intro. to Bessel Functions Bowman, Frank
* Functions - Mathematical Functions (handbook) Abramowitz and Stegun
* Functions - Theory of Functions (Problem Book) Knopp, Konrad
* Functions - Theory of Functions of a Real Variable Jeffery, R.L.
* Fundamental Neuroanatory Nauta and Feirtag
* Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals Kant, Immanuel
* Fundamentals of Mathematics - Volume I Behnke, Bachmann, Fladt, Suess, Editors
* Fundamentals of Mathematics - Volume II Behnke, Bachmann, Fladt, Suess, Editors
* Fundamentals of Mathematics - Volume III Behnke, Bachmann, Fladt, Suess, Editors
* Futures & Options Edwards and Ma
* Futures and Options Markets Hull, John
* Futures Market Siegel and Siegel
* Futurism Taylor, Joshua C.
* Galois Theory  Stewart, Ian
* Game Theory Fudenberg and Tirole
* Geometric Algebra Artin, E.
* Geometric Measure Theory Morgan, Frank
* Geometrical Foundation of Natural Structure William, Robert
* Geometry - Oriented Projective Geometry Stolfi, Jorge
* Geometry - Orthogonal Functions Sansone, G.
* Geometry - Orthogonality and Spacetime Geometry Goldblatt, Robert
* Geometry of Complex Numbers Schwerdtfeger
* Geometry of Fractal Sets Falconer, K.J.
* Geometry of Jet Bundles - 142 Saunders, D.J.
* Geometry of Surfaces Stilwell, John
* Geometry, Riemannian Geometry De Carmo, Manfredo Perdigao
* Georgia O'Keeffe Cowart and Hamilton
* Germinal Zola, Emile
* Glass Menagerie, The Williams, Tennessee
* Global Macroeconomics Dernburg, Thomas F.
* Go Tell It On The Mountain Baldwin, James
* Goedel, Escher, Bach: Hofstadter, Douglas R.
* Graph Theory, Introduction Chartrand, Gary
* Gravitation Misner, Thorne and Wheeler
* Gravitation and Cosmology Weinberg, Steven
* Great Architecture of the World Norwich, John Julius (Editor)
* Great Gatsby, The Fitzgerald, F. Scott
* Great Treasure of Western Thought
* Greece and Rome, Builder of our World
* Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals Kant, Immanuel
* Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego Freud, Sigmund
* Group Theory Scott, W.R.
* Group Theory and its Application to Physical Problems Hamermesh, Morton
* Group Theory and Physics Sternberg, S.
* Group Theory in Physics and Problems Solutions Tung, W. K.
* Group Theory, Applications of Finite Groups Lomont, J.S.
* Group Theory, Problems in Dixon, John D.
* Groups - A Path to Geometry Burn, R. P.
* Groups - Numbers,Codes and Codes Humphrys and Prest
* GTM 004 Homological Algebra, A Course in Hilton and Stammbach
* GTM 009 Lie Algebras & Representation Theory Humphreys, James E.
* GTM 011 Functions of One Complex Variable Conway, John B.
* GTM 012 Advanced Mathematical Analysis Beals, Richard
* GTM 014 Stable Mappings and Their Sigularities Golubitsky and Guillemin
* GTM 015 Functional Analysis & Operator Theory Berberian, Sterling K.
* GTM 018 Measure Theory Halmos, Paul R.
* GTM 021 Linear Algebraic Groups Humphreys, James E.
* GTM 025 Real and Abstract Analysis Hewitt and Stromberg
* GTM 030 Abstruct Algebra, Lectures In Jacobson, Nathan
* GTM 033 Differential Topology Hirsch, Morris W.
* GTM 041Modular Functions and Dirichlet Series in Number Theory Apostol, Tom M.
* GTM 042 Linear Representations of Finite Groups Serre, J.P.
* GTM 045 Probability Theory I Loeve, M.
* GTM 052 Algebraic Geometry Hartshorne, Robin
* GTM 053 Mathematical Logic, A Course In Manin, Yu. I.
* GTM 056 Algebraic Topology, An Introduction Massey, William S.
* GTM 060 Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics Arnold, V.I.
* GTM 063 Graph Theory Bollobas, Bela
* GTM 071 Riemann Surfaces Farkas, Hershel M. and Kra, Irwin
* GTM 081 Riemann Surfaces, Lectures On Forster, Otto
* GTM 093 Modern Geometry - Methods and Applications Dubrovin, Fomenko and Novikov
* GTM 094 Differentiable Manifolds & Lie Groups Warner, Frank W.
* GTM 096 Functional Analysis, A Course In Conway, John B.
* GTM 101 Galois Theory Edwards, Harold M.
* GTM 102 Lie Groups, Lie Algebras & their Represent. Varadarajan, V.S.
* GTM 113 Brownian Motion and Stochastic Calculus Karatzas and Shreve
* GTM 114 Number Gheory and Cryptography, A Course in Koblitz, Neal
* GTM 115 Differential Geometry: Manifolds, Curves, etc.. Berger and Gostiaux
* GTM 118 Analysis Now Pedersen, Gert K.
* GTM 119 Algebraic Topology, An Introduction Rotman, Joseph J.
* GTM 122 Theory of Complex Functions Remmert, Reinhold
* GTM 125 Complex Variables Berenstein and Gay
* GTM 127 Algebraic Topology, A Basic Course In Massey, William S.
* GTM 128 Partial Differential Equations Rauch, Jeffrey
* GTM 130 Tensor Geometry Dodson, C. T. J.
* GTM 134 Coding and Information Theory Roman, Steven
* GTM 140 Optima and Equilibria Aubin, Jean-Pierre
* GTM 149 Foundations of Hyperbolic Manifolds Ratcliffe, John G.
* GTM 998 Compact Lie Groups, RepresentationS of Broecker and Dieck
* Habsburg Monarchy, 1809-1918, The  Taylor, A.J.P.
* Hamlet Shakespeare, William
* Harmonic Analysis Helson, Henry
* Harmonic Analysis, Introduction to Katznelson, Yitzhak
* Heart of Darkness Conrad, Joseph
* Heidegger and Derrida, Reflections on Time and Language Rapaport, Herman
* Henry VIII Scarisbrick, J.J.
* Hermeneutics and Critical Theory in Ethics & Politics Kelly, Michael (Editor)
* High Energy Physics, Introduction to Perkins, Donald H.
* Hilbert Space, An Introduction To Young, N.
* Hilbert Spaces with Applications (Introduction) Debnath and Mikusinski
* History of American Foreign Policy Combs, Jerald A.
* History of Russia Riasanovsky, Nicholas V.
* Hopscotch Cortazar, Julio
* How to Buy Stocks Engel and Boyd
* How to Write and Publish and Scientific Paper Day, Robert A.
* Husserlian Meditations Sokolowski, Robert
* Hussertl Intentionality and Cognitive Science Husserl - Dryfus, Hubert L. editor
* I and Thou  Buber, Martin
* Ideas Husserl, Edmund
* Image and Brain Kosslyn, Stephen M.
* Impressionist Masterpieces Getlin, Frank
* In Defense of Elitism Henry III, William A.
* Individual Choice under Certainty and Uncertainty Arrow, Kenneth J.
* Infinite Sequences and Series Knopp, Konrad
* Infinite Series, Theory and Application of Knopp, Konrad
* Information Theory Ash, Robert B.
* Integration - Theory of Integration Stroock, Daniel, W.
* Integration, General Theory of Functions and Integration Taylor, Angus E.
* Integration, Handbook of Zwillinger, Daniel
* Intermediate Microeconomics Ruffin, Roy J.
* Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis Freud, Sigmund
* Island of Truth Peterson, Ivars
* Jamie Wyeth 
* Jane Eyre Bronte, Charlotte
* Japan Freer Gallery of Art
* Japan - A History in Art Smith, Bradley
* Journey Into China
* Justine, Phil. in the Bedroom, Eugenie de Franval Marquis de Sade
* Key Cryptography, Two Issues in Public  Chor, Ben-Zion
* Kierkegaard Anthology Bretall, Robert, Editor
* Kitchen-Table Society Gullestad, Marianne
* Knowledge and Wonder Weisskopf, Victor F.
* Labyrinths  Borges, Jorge Luis
* Labyrinths of Reason Poundstone, William
* Lady with Lapdog Chekhov, Anton
* Language and Politics Chomsky, Noam
* Language and Responsibility Chomsky, Noam
* Laotse, the Wisdom of Laotse
* Latin & English Dictionary Traupman, John C.
* Law Dictionary Gifis, Steven H.
* Learning and Practicing Econometrics Griffiths, Hill and Judge
* LesLiaisons Dangereuses De Laclos, Choderlos
* Leviathan Hobbes, Thomas
* Lie Algebras Jacobson, Nathan
* Lie Algebras, Notes on Samelson, Hans
* Life Is With People Zborowski and Herzog
* Life of a Slave Girl Jacobs, Harriet A.
* Light in August Faulkner, William
* Linear Algebra Hoffman and Kunze
* Linear Algebra Jacob, Bill
* Linear Algebra Nef, Walter
* Linear Algebra Shilov, Georgi E.
* Linear Algebra and Tensors, Introduction to Akivis and Goldberg
* Linear Algebra, Introduction to Marcus and Minc
* Linear Algebra, Introduction to Mirsky, L.
* Linear Algebra, Lectures on Gel'fand, I.M.
* Linear Network Theory Ferris, Clifford D.
* Linear Operators in Hilbert Space, Theory of Akhiezer and Glazman
* Linear Operators, Part I, General Theory Dunford & Schwartz
* Linear Operators, Unbounded Goldberg, Seymour
* Linear Transformations, General Inverses of Campbell and Meyer, Jr.
* Linguistics Akmajian, Demers and Harnish
* LISP - Common LISP Steele, Jr., Guy L.
* LISP - Elements of Artificial Intelligence using common LISP Tanimoto, Steven L.
* LISP - The Little LISPer Friedman and Felleisen
* Logic Hodges, Wilfrid
* Logic - From Frege to Goedel Van Heijenoort, Jean
* Logic - Introduction to Mathematical Logic Enderton, Herbert B.
* Logic - Introduction to Mathematical Logic, Mendelson, Elliott
* Logic - Mathematical Logic (First Order) Margaris, Angelo
* Logic - Symbolic Logic and its Applications (Intro.) Carnap, Rudolf
* Logic of Collective Action Olson, Mancur
* Looking Backward Bellamy, Edward
* Lord of the Flies Golding, William
* Love in the Time of Cholera Marquez, Gabriel Garcia
* MA Corp. and Securities Laws & Regulations - 1994 
* Macroeconomics Dornbusch and Fischer
* Macroeconomics Mankiw, N. Gregory
* Macroeconomics - Volume II Malinvaud, Edmond (essays in honor of)
* Macroeconomics Theory and Policy Colander, David
* Making Public Policy Kelman, Steven
* Maldoror and Poems Lautreamont
* Man and his Symbols Jung, Carl G.
* Management of Investments Francis, Jack Clark
* Manufacturing Consent Chomsky and Herman
* Master Guide to Birding 1 Audubon Society
* Master Guide to Birding 2 Audubon Society
* Master Guide to Birding 3 Audubon Society
* Materials Science and Engineering Ralls, Kenneth M.
* Mathemathical Methods for Physicists Arfken, George
* Mathematical Analysis of Physical Problems Wallace, Philip R.
* Mathematical Cosmology, Introduction Islam, J.N.
* Mathematical Fluid Dynamics Meyer, Richard E.
* Mathematical Methods for Physics Wyld, H.W.
* Mathematical Models Haberman, Richard
* Mathematical Models and Their Analysis Wan, Frederic Y.M.
* Mathematical Physics -Twistor Geometry and Field Theory Ward and Wells, Jr.
* Mathematical Physics, Chicago Lectures in Physics Geroch, Robert
* Mathematician's Apology Hardy, G.H.
* Mathemtical Physics, Collection of Problems Budak, Samarskii and Tikhonov
* Matrices and Linear Algrbra Schneider and Barker
* Matrices and Linear Transformations Cullen, Charles G.
* Matrices and Transformations Pettofrezzo, Anthony J.
* Matrices, Theory of Perlis, Sam
* Matrix Computations Golub and Van Loan
* Matrix Theory (Elementary) Eves, Howard
* Matrix Theory and Matrix Inequalities, Survey of Marcus and Minc
* Matroid Theory (A source book in Matroid Theory) Kung, Joseph P.S.
* Matter and Memory Bergson, Henri
* Meaning of Karl Marx Mazlish, Bruce
* Mechanical Vibrations Den Hartog, J.P.
* Mechanics Den Hartog, J.P.
* Mechanics Landau and Lifshitz
* Mechanics Scheck, Florian
* Mechanics Symon, Keith R.
* Mechanics - 174 (Lectures on) Marsden Jerrold E.
* Mechanics - Ergodic Prob. in Classical Mechanics Arnold and Avez
* Mechanics - Ergodic Prob. of Classical Mechanics Arnold and Avez
* Mechanics, A First Course in Lunn, Mary
* Mechanics, An Introduction To Kleppner and Kolenkow
* Mechanics, Classical Barger & Olsson
* Mechanics, Classical Goldstein, Herbert
* Mechanics, Conceptual Found. of the Statitical Approach Ehrenfest, Paul and Tatiana
* Mechanics, Foundations of Abraham and Marsden
* Meditations on First Philosophy Descartes, Rene
* Metamophosis, Penal Cology and other stories Kafka, Franz
* Metaphysics of Morals Kant, Immanuel
* Metaphysics, An Introduction to Heidegger, Martin
* Metric Affine Geometry Snapper and Troyer
* Michel Foucault, Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics Dreyfus and Rabinow
* Michel Foucault, Philosopher Foucault, Michel
* Microeconomic Analysis Varian, Hal R.
* Microeconomic Theory - Fifth Edition Nicholson, Walter
* Microeconomic Theory - Third Edition Nicholson, Walter
* Microeconomic Theory, A Course In Kreps, David M.
* Microeconomics Pindyck and Rubinfeld
* Microeconomics - Volume I Malinvaud, Edmond (essays in honor of)
* Microverse, The Preiss and Alschuler, Editors
* Moby Dick Melville, Herman
* Modern Control System Theory Shinners, Stanley M.
* Modern Physics, Experiments in Melissinos, Adrian C.
* Modular - Bipolar Junction Transistor, The - Vol. III Neudeck, Gerold W.
* Modular - Microelectronic Fabrication, Intro Vol. V Jaeger, Richard C.
* Modular - Semiconductor Fundamentals - Vol. I Pierret, Robert F.
* Modular - Solid State Devices - Vol. IV Pierret, Robert F.
* Modular - Solid State Devices - Vol. VI Pierret, Robert F.
* Modular - The PN Junction Diode - Vol. II Neudeck, Gerold W.
* Money and Capital Markets Campbell, Tim S.
* Moral Philosophy Sher, George
* Mutual Fund Buyers' Guide - 1994 Fosback, Norman G.
* Naturalizing Epistemology  Kornblith, Hilary
* Nausea Sartre, Jean-Paul
* Necessary Illusions Chomsky, Noam
* Neurobiology Shepherd, Gordon, M.
* Neurocomputing Anderson and Rosenfeld
* New Images of Man Selz, Peter
* New Market Wizards, The Schwager, Jack D.
* News From Nowhere Morris, William
* Nietzsche, Basic Writings of Nietzsche, Friedrich
* Nonlinear Science Campbell, Ecke and Hyman
* Norman Rockwell Guptill, Arthur L.
* Norton Anthology of Modern Poetry, Second Edition
* Norton Anthology of Poetry, Third Edition
* Norton Anthology of Poetry, Third Edition-Shorter
* Nuclear Physics - Theoretical Atomic Physics Friedrich, Harald
* Nuclear Physics - Theoretical Nuclear Physics - Vol. 1 DeShalit & Feshback
* Nuclear Physics, Introduction Wong, Samuel S.
* Numerical Mathematics and Computing Cheney and Kincaid
* October, The First Decade  Michelson, Kraus, Crimp & Copjec, Editor
* Of Human Bondage Maugham, Somerset W.
* Of Mice And Men Steinbeck, John
* On Liberty Mill, John Stuart
* On Liberty Mill, John Stuart
* One flew over the Cockoo's Nest Kesey, Ken
* One Hundred Modern Poems
* One Hundred Years of Solitude Marquez, Gabriel Garcia
* ONTIC, A Knowledge Representation System for Math McAllester, David A.
* Optical Electronics Yariv, Amnon
* Optics, Introduction To Modern Fowles, Grant R.
* Optics, Nonlinear Mills, D.L.
* Optimal Control Theory Kirk, Donald E.
* Options Markets Cox and Rubinstein
* Orbital Mechanics Prussing and Conway
* Oscillations in Nonlinear Systems Hale, Jack K.
* Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, Third Edition
* Parallel Algorithms and Architectures: arrays-trees-hypercubes  Leighton, F. Thomson
* Parallel Distributed Processing Rumelhart, McClelland & Research Group
* Partial Diff. Equations of Mathematical. Physics Sobolev, S.L.
* Particles and Forces - At the Heart of the Matter Carrigan, Jr. and Trower
* Perceptrons Minsky and Papert
* Perennial Philosophy Huxley, Aldous
* Performance Models of Multiprocessor Systems Marsan, Balbo and Conte
* PERL, Programming Wall and Schwartz
* Personality and Social Psychology (The Dictionary of) Harre and Lamb, Editors
* Perspectives on Philosophy of Wittgenstein Wittgenstein
* Phenomenological Movement, The Spiegelberg, Herbert
* Phenomenological Psychology, Lectures, Summer Semester 1925 Husserl, Edmund
* Phenomenology and Psychology, Studies in Gurwitsch, Aron
* Phenomenology and the Social Sciences Vol. 1 Natanson, Maurice
* Phenomenology of the Consciousness of Internal Time Husserl, Edmund
* Phenomenoloy Lyotard, Jean-Francois
* Phenomonology and the Crisis of Philosophy Husserl, Edmund
* Philosophical Discourse of Modernity Habermas, Juergen
* Philosophy Dictionary Angeles, Peter A.
* Philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre Sartre, Jean-Paul
* Philosophy of Law Johnson, Conrad
* Philosophy, Introduction to Perry and Bratman, Editors
* Physical Chemistry Castellan, Gilbert W.
* Physical System Dynamics Rosenberg and Karnopp
* Physicist's Desk Reference Anderson, Herbert L.
* Physics - Volume I Ohanian, Hans C.
* Physics 1 Bamberg and Sternberg
* Physics 2 Bamberg and Sternberg
* Physics by Example Rees, W.G.
* Physics Problem Solver Fogiel, M. (Chief Editor)
* Physics, Volume II Ohanian, Hans C.
* Picture History of Painting Janson & Janson
* Plato, the Works of Plato
* Poetics Aristotle
* Pop Art Osterwold and Taschen
* Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man Joyce, James
* Potential Theory, Foundations of Kellogg, Oliver Dimon
* Power Broker, The Caro, Robert A.
* Power/Knowledge Foucault, Michel
* Preface to Morals, A Lippmann, Walter
* Priates and Emperors Chomsky, Noam
* Prices in Financial Markets Dothan, Michael U.
* Pride and Prejudice Austin, Jane
* Principles and Practice of Electron Microscopy Watt, Ian M.
* Principles of Economics - Readings Fall 1986
* Principles of Economics - Readings Spring 1987
* Principles of Gene Manipulation Old and Primrose
* Prinicples of Condensed Matter Physics Chaikin, P.M. and Lubensky, T.C.
* Probability Breiman, Leo
* Probability - Measure Theory and Probability Adams and Guillemin
* Probability and Measure Billingsley, Patrick
* Probability and Statistical Inference, VOLUME I Kalbfleisch, J.G.
* Probability and Statistics DeGroot, Morris H.
* Probability and Statistics, counter examples Romano and Siegel
* Probability Theory Sinai, Yakov G.
* Probability Theory Teicher and Chow
* Probability Theory & Statistical Inference, Intro Larson, Harold J.
* Probability Theory, A Concise Course Rozanov, Y.A.
* Probability Theory, Concepts of Pfeiffer, Paul E.
* Probability Theory, Fundamentals of Applied Drake, Alvin W.
* Probability Theory, Fundamentals of Applied Drake, Alvin W.
* Probability, 50 Challenging Problems in Mosteller, Frederick
* Probability, A First Course in Ross, Sheldon M.
* Probability, Random Variables, Stochastic Proc. Papoulis, Athanasios
* Problem Solving and Computation Lerman, Steven R.
* Problems of Philosophy Russell, Bertramd
* Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics Kant, Immanuel
* Prometheus Bound and other plays Aeschylus
* Psychology Gleitman, Henry
* Psychology of Imagination Sartre, Jean-Paul
* Psychology of Transcendence Neher, Andrew
* Psychology Today, An Introduction (Readings in)
* Psychology, Notes On
* QED - And The Men Who Made It  Schweber, Silvan, S.
* Quantum Chemistry McQuarrie, Donald A.
* Quantum Chemistry and Physics, Problems and Sol. in Johnson, Jr. and Pedersen
* Quantum Electro-Dynamics Freyman, R.P.
* Quantum Field Theory Kaku, Michio
* Quantum Field Theory in Curved Space Time, Aspects of Fulling, S.A.
* Quantum Field Theory, Methods of Abrikosov, Gorkov and Dzyaloshinski
* Quantum Implications Hiley and Peat (in honor of David Bohm)
* Quantum Mechanics Bransden and Joachain
* Quantum Mechanics Gottfried, Kurt
* Quantum Mechanics Landau and Lifshitz
* Quantum Mechanics Liboff, Richard L.
* Quantum Mechanics Mandl, F.
* Quantum Mechanics Peebles, P.J.E.
* Quantum Mechanics - Introduction Pauling and Wilson, Jr.
* Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals Feyman and Hibbs
* Quantum Mechanics for Applied Physics and Eng. Fromhold, Jr., Albert Thomas
* Quantum Mechanics on the Personal Computer Brandt and Dahmen
* Quantum Mechanics, Advanced Sakurai, J.J.
* Quantum Mechanics, An Introduction Greiner, W.
* Quantum Mechanics, Modern Sakurai, J.J.
* Quantum Mechanics, Philosophy of Healey, Richard
* Quantum Mechanics, Practical Fluegge, S.
* Quantum Mechanics, Principles of Shankar, Ramamurti
* Quantum Mechanics, Relativistic Greiner, W.
* Quantum Mechanics, Sources of Van Der Waerden, Editor
* Quantum Mechanics, Volume I Cohen-Tannoudji, Diu, and Laloe
* Quantum Mechanics, Volume II Cohen-Tannoudju, Diu and Laloe
* Quantum Physics Gasiorowicz, Stephen
* Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, ... Eisberg and Resnick
* Quantum Physics, An Introduction French and Taylor
* Quantum Physics, Relativity and Complex Spacetime 163 Kaiser, G.
* Quantum Physics, Understanding Morrison, Michael A.
* Quantum Physics, Understanding More Morrison, Estle & Lane
* Quantum Probability Gudder, Stanley
* Quantum Theory of Many Particle Systems Fetter and Walecka
* Quarks & Leptons Halzen and Martin
* Real Analysis  Haaser and Sullivan
* Real Analysis Royden, H.L.
* Real Analysis - Elem. Real and Complex Analysis Shilov, Georgi E.
* Real Analysis and Probability Ash, Robert B.
* Real Analysis and Probability Dudley, Richard M.
* Real Analysis, Elements of Sprecher, David A.
* Real Analysis, Introductory Kolmogorow and Fomin
* Real Analysis, Principals of Aliprantis and Burkinshaw
* Real Analysis, Problems in Aliprantis and Burkinshaw
* Real Complex Analysis Rudin, Walter
* Real Variables Torchinsky, Alberto
* Reason and Violence Laing, R.D. and Cooper, D.G.
* Reason in History Hegel, G.W.F.
* Recursion Theory for Metamathematics Smullyan, Raymond m.
* Recursive Functions and Effective Computability Rogers, Hartley, Jr..
* Relativity Einstein, Albert
* Relativity - General Relativity Kenyon, I.R.
* Relativity - General Relativity Stephani, Hans
* Relativity - General Relativity Wald, Robert M.
* Relativity - General Relativity, A first course in Schutz, Bernard F.
* Relativity - General Relativity, Advanced Stewart, John
* Relativity - Geometry, Relativity and the Fourth Dimension Rucker, Rudolf v. B.
* Relativity - Spacetime Physics Taylor & Wheeler
* Relativity - Special Relativity French, A.P.
* Relativity - Special Relativity Shadowitz, Albert
* Relativity - Special Relativity, Introduction to Resnick, Robert
* Relativity - Theory of Relativity Pauli, W.
* Relativity - Theory of Relativity, Introduction to Bergmann, Peter Gabriel
* Relativity - Was Einstein Right? Will, Clifford M.
* Relativity and Gravitation, Problem Book in Lightman, Press, Price and Teukolsky
* Relativity and Its Roots Hoffmann, Banesh
* Relativity Visualized Epstein, Lewis Carroll
* Relativity, Basic Concepts in Resnick and Halliday
* Renoir White, Barbara Ehrlich
* Representatin and Reality Putnam, Hilary
* Richard III Shakespeare, William
* Right Turn Ferguson and Rogers
* Ring Theory Rowen, Louis Halle
* Ring Theory, A Course In Passman, Donal
* Rings, Fields and Groups Allenby, R.B.J.T.
* Rise to Globalism Ambrose, Stephen E.
* Robot Vision Horn, Berthold Klaus Paul
* Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare, William
* Sacred Texts of the World  Smart and Hecht, Editors
* Sadness And Happiness Pinsky, Robert
* Salem Possessed Boyer and Nissenbaum
* Satan Says Olds, Sharon
* Second Treatise of Government Locke, John
* Selected Writings Emerson, Ralph Waldo
* Self-Consciousness and Self-Determination Tugendhat, Ernst
* Semisovereign People, The Schattschneider, E.E.
* Set Theory, Outline of Henle, James M.
* Shock Treatment Finley, Karen
* Short Eyes Pinero, Miguel
* Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway, The Hemingway, Ernest
* Siddhartha Hesse, Herman
* Sister Carrie Dreiser, Theodore
* Social Contract Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
* Software Developer's Sourcebook Liffick, Blaise W.
* Songs of Innocence and of Experience Blake, William
* Sons and Lovers Lawrence, D.H.
* Sound and Sense Perrine, Laurence
* Spacetime and Singularities - An Introduction Naber, Gregory L.
* Speech and Phenomena Derrida, Jacques
* Spheres of Justice Walzer, Michael
* Spinors, Theory of Carton, Elie
* Statistical and Thermal Physics, Fundamentals of Reif, F.
* Statistical Mechanics (A Set of Lectures) Feyman, R.P.
* Statistical Physics Mandl, F.
* Statistical Physics Wannier, Gregory H.
* Statistical Physics 3rd Edition Part 1 Landau and Lifshitz
* Statistical Physics I - Series 30 Toda and Saito
* Stochastic Calculus in Manifolds Emery, Michel
* Stochastic Processes Ross, Sheldon M.
* Stochastic Processes, Adventures in Resnick, Sidney
* Stock Market Logic Fosback, Norman G.
* Storm Center O'Brien, David M.
* Strange Pilgrims Marquez, Gabriel Garcia
* Stride Toward Freedom King, Jr., Martin Luther
* Structure Formation in the Universe Padmanabhan, T.
* Structure of the Human Brain DeArmond, Fusco, Dewey
* Structured Computer Organization Tanenbaum, Andrew S.
* Struggles for Power and Gov. Accountability (Volume 1) O'Brien, David M.
* Study 051 Morse Theory Milnor, John W.
* Study 076 Characteristic Classes Milnor and Stasheff
* Study 115 On Knots Kauffman, Louis H.
* Study 125 Combinatorics of Train Tracks Penner and Harer
* Study 128 Nilpotence and Periodicity in Stable Homotopy Ravenel, Douglas C.
* Success with the Gentle Art of Verbal Self-Defense Elgin, Suzette Haden
* Sulfur Eshleman, Clayton - Editor
* Supermanifolds - Second Edition DeWitt, Bryce
* Superstrings, Introduction Kaku, Michio
* Sys Law Rose and Wallace
* Systems That Learn Osherson, Stob and Weinstein
* Take Better Photographs  Busselle, Michael
* TAM 1 Applied Mathematics, Intro to Sirovich, L.
* TAM 11 Differential Equations & Their Applications Braun, Martin
* TAM 4 Fluid Mechanics, a Math. Intro to Chorin and Marsden
* TAM 6 Mathematical Control Theory Sontag, E.D.
* Tao is Silent, The Smullyan, Raymond M.
* Tao of Power Wing, R.L.
* Tao of Science, The Siu, R.G.H.
* Tao of Science, The Siu, R.G.H.
* Technical Report Adam, Joel Frederic
* Technical Report Evans, David
* Technical Report Vandevoorde, Mark
* Technical Report Wetherall, David J.
* Technical Report 1163 Yip, Kenneth Man-kam
* Tender is the Night Fitzgerald, F. Scott
* Tensor Analysis - Vector and Tensor Analysis Hay, G.E.
* Tensor Analysis - Vector and Tensor Analysis Wrede, Robert C.
* Tensor Analysis (Applications of) McConnell, A.J.
* Tensor Analysis for Physicists Schouten, J.A.
* Tensor Analysis on Manifolds Bishop and Goldberg
* Tensors, Differential Forms, Var. Principles Lovelock and Rund
* Tess of the d'Urbervilles Hardy, Thomas
* The Age of Empire Hobsbawn, Eric
* The American Experience: Fiction
* The American Political Tradition Hofstadter, Richard
* The Analects Confucius
* The Ascent of Man Bronowski, J.
* The Balcony Genet, Jean
* The Berlin Stories Isherwood, Christoper
* The Bhagavad Gita
* The Biochemical Basis of Neuropharmacology Cooper and Bloom and Roth
* The Birds of America Audubon, John James
* The Brain Restak, Richard M., M.D.
* The Broken Fountain Belmonte, Thomas
* The Centaur Updike, John
* The Chomsky Reader Chomsky, Noam
* The Dead and the Living Olds, Sharon
* The Ear Of The Other Derrida, Jacques
* The Electronics Problem Solver Fogiel, M.
* The End of Objectivity Rota, Gian-Carlo
* The Engineer's Companion Souders, Mott
* The Epic of Man
* The Fall Camus, Albert
* The Final Foucault Bernauer and Rasmussen
* The Gold Cell Olds, Sharon
* The Great Gatsby Fitzgerald, F. Scott
* The Hearts of Men Ehrenreich, Barbara
* The Hero with a Thousand Faces Campbell, Joseph
* The Human Condition Arendt, Hannah
* The Idiot Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
* The Immoralist Gide, Andre
* The International Stance Dennett, Daniel C.
* The Jungle Sinclair, Upton
* The Koran
* The Making of Memory Rose, Steven
* The Myth of Sisyphus Camus, Albert
* The New Direction in American Politics Chubb and Peterson, Editors
* The Next Book Webster, Bruce F.
* The Odyssey Homer
* The Old Chore Hildebidle, John
* The Old Man and the Sea Hemingway, Ernest
* The Order of Things Foucault, Michel
* The Oresteia Aeschylus
* The Picture of Dorian Gray Wilde, Oscar
* The Plague Camus, Albert
* The Portable Poe Poe, Edgar Allan
* The Portrait of a Lady James, Henry
* The Power of Myth Campbell, Joseph
* The Prince Machiavelli, Niccolo
* The Print
* The Problem of Abortion Feinberg, Joel
* The Reality Club Brockman, John
* The Red Badge of Courage Crane, Stephen
* The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers Kennedy, Paul
* The Rise of Big Business Porter, Glenn
* The Rise of the Counter Establishment Blumenthal, Sidney
* The Sickness unto Death Kierkegaard, Soren
* The Social Animal Aronson, Elliot
* The Social Construction of Reality Berger and Luckmann
* The State within a State Albats, Yevgenia
* The Stranger Camus, Albert
* The Sun Also Rises Hemingway, Ernest
* The Trial Kafka, Franz
* The Turn of the Screw James, Henry
* The Ubiquity of the Finite Schmidt, Dannis J.
* The Upanishhads
* The Wealth of Nations Books I-III Smith Adam
* The Western Intellectual Tradition Bronowski and Maslish
* The Woman Warrior Kingston, Maxine Hong
* Theoretical Acoustics Morse and Ingard
* Theoretical Mechanics of Particles and Continua Fetter and Walecka
* Theory of Finite Automata Carroll and Long
* Theory of Knowledge Chisholm, Roderick M.
* Theory of the Leisure Class, The Veblen, Thorstein
* Thermal Physics Kittel and Kroemer
* Thermophysics, Treatise on Irreversible and Statistical Yourgrau, van der Merwe and Raw
* This Side of Paradise Fitzgerald, F. Scott
* Thought from Outside Foucault and Blanchot
* Three Roads to Quantum Gravity Smolin, Lee
* Tibetan Book of the Dead, The Evans-Wentz, W.Y., Editor
* Time Series Analysis Box, Jenkins and Reinsel
* Top 500 Poems Harmon, William, Editor
* Topological Uniform Structures Page, Warren
* Topology Hocking and Young
* Topology McCarty, George
* Topology (A First Course) Munkres, James R.
* Topology from the Differentiable Viewpoint Milnor, John W.
* Topology of Plane Sets of Points, Elements of Newman, M.H.A.
* Topology, Differential Guillemin and Pollack
* Topology, Elementary Gemignani, Michael C.
* Topology, Elements of Algebraic Munkres, James R.
* Topology, Elements of Pointset Baum, John D.
* Topology, Introduction to Mendelson, Bert
* Topology, Principles of Croom, Fred H.
* Tortilla Flat Steinbeck, John
* Tragic Sense of Life De Unamuno, Miguel
* Transformations of Myth Through Time Campbell, Joseph
* Transparent Society, The Brin, David
* Travels With My Aunt Greene, Graham
* Treasures of Tutankhamun
* Ultimate Maze  Russo, David Anson
* Ulysses Joyce, James
* Uncertain Reasoning (Readings in) Shafer, Glenn & Pearl, Judea - Editors
* Unitary Group Representations Mackey, George W.
* Universe in a Nutshell, The Hawking, Stephen W.
* Universe, The Early Kolb and Turner
* Unix - C on the UNIX System Curry, David A.
* Unix in a Nutshell Gilly, Daniel (and staff)
* Unix, Advanced Programming Rochkind, Marc J.
* Utilitarianism Mill, John Stuart
* UTM Analytic Number Theory, Intro. Apostol, Tom M.
* UTM Calculus, Second Year Bressoud, David M.
* UTM Combinatorics, Constructive Stanton and White
* UTM Complex Function Theory, Intro. Palka, Bruce P.
* UTM Differentical Geometry, Topics in Elementary Thorpe, J.A.
* UTM Finite-Dimensional Vector Spaces Halmos, Paul R.
* UTM Geometry - Transformation Martin, George E.
* UTM Ideals, Varieties and Algorithms Cox, Little, O'Shea
* UTM Probabilistic Modeling, An Introduction to Bremaud, Pierre
* UTM Real Analysis, A First Course in Protter and Morrey
* UTM Topology - Measure, Topology and Fractal Geometry Edgar, Gerald A.
* UTM Topology and Geometry, Lecture Notes on Elem. Singer and Thorpe
* UTM Topology, Basic Armstrong, M.A.
* UTM Topology, General Dixmier, Jacques
* Utopian Thought in the Western World Manuel, Frank and Manuel, Fritzie
* Van Gogh in Arles  Pickwance, Ronald
* Variational Methods for Boundary Value Problems Lavrent'ev, M.A.
* Vectors, Tensors & Basic Equations of Fluid Mechanics Aris, Rutherford
* Vincent Van Gogh Tralbaut, Marc Edo
* Visualization & Virtual Reality Adams, Lee
* Voice/Data Telecommunications Systems Gurrie and O'Connor
* Walden  Thoreau, Henry, David
* Watercolor, A History of Brett, Bernard
* Wave Phenomena Towne, Dudley H.
* Wave Physics Nettel, Stephen
* Wavelet: Mathematics and Applications Benedetto and Frazier
* Wavelets, A Friendly Guide to Kaiser, Gerald
* Wavelets, Ten Lectures on Daubechie, Ingrid
* Waves - Physics of Vibrations of Waves Pain, H.J.
* Waves - Physics of Waves Georgi, Howard
* Waves - Vibrations and Waves French, A.P.
* Waves - Vibrations and Waves in Physics Main, Iain G.
* Waves - Vibrations and Waves in Physics Main, Iain G.
* Waves and Fields in Optoelectronics Haus, Hermann A.
* Waves and Oscillations, Fundamentals of Ingard, K.U.
* Waves, Physics of Waves Elmore and Heald
* What is Life? Mind and Matter Schroedinger, Erwin
* Who Gets What From Government Page, Benjamin I.
* Whose Life Is It Anyway? Clark, Brian
* Window Systems, Programming and Appl. with XT Young, Douglas A.
* Words Sartre, Jean-Paul
* World Atlas of Birds
* Worldly Philosophers Heilbroner, Robert L.
* Writing Poetry Drake, Barbara
* Zen Buddhism and Psychoanalysis    Fromm, Suzuki and DeMartino

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